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Prom and Bridal at the Apparel Mart

From: Cheryl
Sent on: Friday, July 6, 2007, 7:53 AM
Just wanted to let you all know, if you aren't with an agency, you can go to the Apparel Mart on Tuesday or Wednesday before any mart but especially before Prom and Bridal and get hired into one of the showrooms.  It's hard work but a lot of exposure and a really good chance at getting into one or more of the fashion shows during Mart.
Here is the dates for Prom and Bridal:

The Atlanta International Apparel/Accessories Market
featuring Women's, Men's, AmericasMart's Children's WorldSM
AmericasMart PREMIERE ®: Premium Contemporary Brands
And Prom, Bridal & Special Occasion

Women's Apparel/Accessories: August 18-21, 2007
Bridal, Prom, Pageant & Special Occasion: August 18-21, 2007
Children's World: August 18-21, 2007
PREMIERE / Men's: August 18-21, 2007

Contact Kay at[masked] or Amy at[masked] during normal biz hours to check on open call and runway casting times.


YOU MUST HAVE A STRONG SHOE BAG!  You will be on your feet all day long so the high high heels are gonna hurt!  I recommend a crystal med high heal, white strappies, black strappies.....several different pair of different heel height.  ALWAYS wear a nude thong (no hot pinks or colors of any kind) and bring strapless bras in nude.  If you have them, chicken cutlets (if you don't know then you don't have them!)  Your hair and m/u should be prom style.  If you can do "up do's" that can handle clothes changes that's perfect.  Moms and friends can apply to be dressers in showrooms but they should not go along side of doesn't look professional.


Good Luck!



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