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RE: [modeling-193] Happy New Year! - Upcoming ATLphotoMeetUp events...

From: Bryan Pritchard/Image by B.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 9:45 AM

Happy New Year Eric!

Bryan Pritchard


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Eric
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 9:44 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [modeling-193] Happy New Year! - Upcoming ATLphotoMeetUp events...


Hi Everyone!

Hope you are having a great holiday season and getting ready for a safe and fun New Year. We've had great input from many of you in our polls section and by direct mail - Thanks for your input!

We are going to have something for everyone very soon in the new year. Look at what's on tap just for the next two months -

For new photographers:
How to use my camera - any question answered without snobbery.
Intro to Photoshop - begin to fix up your images after the shoot.

For Models:
We will be holding a free "open call" that will give our model-members a chance to go through a model-interview in a low pressure environment. This will allow us to meet face to face with our model-members, advise them and discuss getting them in the miix at our upcoming shootouts.

For advanced photographers
We are planning more shoot-outs with many of our model members in some really cool places in the Atlanta area. With the numbers our shootouts are turning out, we've had a lot of interest by local business locations seeking publicity for their business (Like corvette dealers, Event spaces, and others) If any of you have connections to a really cool business or place that would be cool to shoot in please let us know.

LightRoom smackdown open mic night - We are going to have a fun meeting to advance our learning of Adobe LightRoom.

Thanks again to our Meetup Sponsors for helping make this stuff possible, and thanks to our members for handling a little commercialism -it keeps are meetups a fraction of the cost of photo-schools or modeling schools around town.

Let's also remember our friend Brittany Weiss...
Our dear friend, model, and meetup member was taken from us earlier this year by a drunk driver. Here are some of the photos we did with her at last year's meetups:
I think it would be a great tribute to Britt if we all did something to deter drunken driving this New Year's eve.

I knew Britanny well enough to know what she would say if she could - "Live every day as if it were a gift, Hug each other for an extra second, never sweat the small stuff, and smile as much as possible."

Thanks again for making this group so successfull and have a great New Year!

Eric and Team

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