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It's a celebration!!! Tomorrow's details!

From: Ken
Sent on: Friday, July 12, 2013, 1:13 PM

Whats up pros!!

I'm hype, geeked, Turnt up, crunk, live and all of the other stupid sayings!! lol

Almost 300 RSVPs WOWWWW!!

Its gonna be a fun night, a celebration, an event!!!

Advance tix still on sale for a limited time >>

**If you purchased advanced tix, there is no need to bring the printout, we'll have the list**


COSMO ATTIRE..jeanks OK(dressed up)


Parking: theres a parking garage right next to the spot..if coming from 75/85 on MLK, its immediately past Underground(right across the street from Underground) on the right side..



Next to Underground, across from the Fulton County Bldg...there's a green tarp that says 115, I'll post a pic of it

75south, exit MLK, go right and its down on the right side, immediately past the underground atlanta parking deck.

115 MLK Jr.

Atlanta, GA



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