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Last night's recap-- make-up coming!

From: Ken
Sent on: Sunday, September 15, 2013, 12:56 PM
Hope everyone is having a good sunday morning. First, thanks to everyone for coming out last night, we had a HUGE showing and the place was packed with pretty much ATL PROS!! From 7-10:30 or so, everything was good and then chaos happened. I never defend venues, but last night wasnt Kouture's fault. Basically one of the sister locations had issues with their tvs and projector so they brought most of those people to Kouture. Unfortunately in doing so it created an over capacity issue as well as an influx of people that were a completely different crowd and demographic than normal. Again, not the venue's fault. The good is before that happen, ATL PROS was having a great time!! We had the gAmes going, ppl were meeting and mingling, drinks flowing, food was great and music jammin.. It was a good time. It was also really good seeing the vets and definitely meeting the newbies. I apologize for the inconvenience and things should have been much more organized but again it wasnt the venue's fault...this time lol If you had a bad experience please dont let that discourage you from going back. Kouture actually had everything covered and handled before everyone wAs brought over. Also im currently working on an appreciation for the group this week with free drinks and appetizers. Details coming soon! Ken

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