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Public Speaking and Leadership Training (FREE)

Photo of Paul Pladijs
Hosted By
Paul P.
Public Speaking and Leadership Training (FREE)


Do you want to become a confident public speaker? To connect and communicate better with others? And have fun? Come and join "the Atomium Toastmasters of Brussels!

Spreek of versta je Nederlands? Nog beter, want we zijn een tweetalige Nederlands-Engelse club.

You'll find a supportive learn-by-doing environment.

It doesn't matter if you are an experienced speaker or if you are a beginner. We are there to support you, to make you feel good about yourself, and to help you learn in a way that's fun.

Every event we have lovely Table Topic sessions (impromptu speeches) and 3 to 4 prepared speeches.

Through practice, peer evaluation, and educational tools, we learn how to present our messages effectively, concisely, and professionally.

And.. we are excited to welcome you every first and third Monday of the month. Free entrance!

Atomic Team

Photo of Atomium Toastmasters group
Atomium Toastmasters
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Every 2 weeks on Monday

The Mug Brussels Coworking Space
Rue Charles Martel 8 · Bruxelles, No
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
30 spots left