What we’re about
Meet Market is a monthly *now*-hosted gathering of single folks at the Downtown Whole Foods (Lamar location) that will involve a combination of making friends, competing in a game, eating/drinking, and getting your grocery shopping done while you're at it. The goal is to meet more people who are single and to broaden your network of friends and relationships in Austin. Not all of your friends are married! And if they are, well then, Meet Market is ready to help you make new friends in a low-key, low-stakes grocery store hangout!
1. Make your grocery list We actually are gonna grocery shop #efficiency
2. Arrive around 7:00 PM / 7:30 PM (however long you need to shop for snacks while also looking for "snacks") Show up to the Downtown Whole Foods (Lamar location . You won't know yet who is there for Meet Market, and who is just a regular shopper, which from y'all's feedback, makes it more fun.
3. Game on: It's a friendly competition of how many conversations you can have with strangers while grocery shopping. If that tall guy is cute, should you ask him to reach that thing on the top shelf? If you and the cute girl are in the same wine section, should you ask what she recommends?
If you're competitive, you can keep track of your "score" [see below] and we can all compare how we did when we gather for a drink at the Downtown Whole Foods (Lamar location afterwards. If you're not competitive, then do it for the good stories and the little push to get out of your comfort zone! If all else fails, you're bound to make some new friends, and maybe we’ll give an ego boost to some random shoppers who walk away feeling like they must have looked darn good at the grocery store that night.
Alternatively, just feel free to skip the game and join us at the cafe at 8:00 PM after.
4. Meet at the Downtown Whole Foods (Lamar location at 8:00 PM Indoors or outdoors. I'll message the group with our location.
[How to get game points]
- 1 point for every person you say something to
- 2 points for every conversation you have
- 3 points for digits!
- a million points if they join us in the cafe