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Free event - Emotional clearing techniques.

Photo of Accessworld5 Seminars
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Accessworld5 S.
Free event - Emotional clearing techniques.


You once had high hopes and exciting dreams, and yet perhaps you will relate to one or more of the following scenarios...
Perhaps you have experienced deep and profound love. Perhaps it was the most powerful feeling that you ever experienced. When you fell in love you felt like the whole universe is conspiring for your success. You felt like you had access to the levers that control the world.
Sleep and food become an optional extra in your life as you enjoyed the deepest throws of love. Energy and motivation hit an all-time high and you become certain that this feeling will never end.
AND THEN........
things turned stale and lifeless and you were not even good friends anymore.
Perhaps you started that first job and you were so excited about life and all that you could do with the wads of cash rolling toward you. You had a spring in your step and enjoyed the epic adventure of each new day, and loved the work you were doing. You were going to be someone. You were going to make a difference. You were going to be the epitome of success and achievement.
AND THEN......
You realised that your impact was minuscule and that you did not seem to be making any difference.
Perhaps you were strong, fit, healthy and had endless energy. Your body would do everything that you expected from it and more. You rarely got sick and felt great everyday.
You became unwell or discovered you had a disease or illness.
Perhaps you experienced childhood trauma and had an early experience of life that was less than positive.
Perhaps you had a great childhood and yet as a teenager or adult you went through painful and difficult situations.

Photo of Auckland Life Coaching and Neurological Repatterning group
Auckland Life Coaching and Neurological Repatterning
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