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What we’re about

Beautilicious is a group for individuals interested in the journey of self-care. It is designed for all of us who want to take better care of ourselves, both on the inside and the face that we show to to the world.

The intention for the group over time is to have events that cover a wide range of holistic health. For now, we know that the world of skincare products, supplements and make-up can seem overwhelming, so we run practical workshops using natural products to show how to invest in yourself while having fun in a social environment and meeting like-minded people.

I am looking forward to adding in other elements to the group over time, including yoga/meditation, healthy eating and some great walks (the best exercise apparently!)

Join us for fun pamper sessions, engaging discussions, and a supportive network of individuals on a journey to holistic wellness.

Locations are mainly on the North Shore at present.