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Hello Friends 🙂 💫 💚

From: Atasha
Sent on: Saturday, March 9, 2019, 6:42 PM

Thank you to those who came last week, those who couldn’t make it and to everyone else who has signed up here and is reading this!

We had our second Meetup based around the recorded teachings of Ramana’s most well known Western disciple, Robert Adams.  His teachings are beautifully direct & simple, & reflect Ramana’s teachings incredibly, and not from a place of memorized knowledge, but of what seems to be their mutual, independent experiences of Self Realization.  

Last week a new member joined us who has been studying and practicing Robert’s teachings for a few years, which was a great honor to have in our group & quite the synchronicity!

Here is a 30 min video of one Robert’s Satsangs from the 90s:

Stay safe during sxsw Friends!  I look forward to seeing you at our next or a future Meetup!

☮️ & ❤️ 


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