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Tonight's meetup!

From: Peter W.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 5:20 PM
Hi everyone, we're just hours away from the exciting May Austin Python meetup!

Tonight, Alex Corley will be talking about AVAST's use of Python.  He will cover application deployment, multiple apps on the same machine, application updates and a few other things.  Your tech bingo card for this talk should include: Python, Chef, Boto, Twisted, VirtualEnv, AWS & AutoScale. :-)

After that, Travis Swicegood will do a quick "Coffeescript for Python Programmers" introduction.  Just as Coffeescript isn't quite Javascript, a talk on Coffeescript isn't quite the full-on "un-PUG" I (whimsically) suggested last week, so... bring your favorite obscure or less mainstream language, and give us a lightning talk about it!

Tonight's food and beverage is generously sponsored by Enthought, a scientific and analytic software company powered by Python. Enthought provides the desktop analysis environment and Python distribution, Enthought Canopy, for scientists, engineers and analysts. Enthought specializes in providing unique solutions to challenging technical problems and Python training for organizations in geophysics, finance, and research.

As usual, we are very grateful to Capital Factory for the use of their space, and tonight we'll have an extra special treat from, a local company that will be providing sponsored coffee for our meetup!

Two reminders:
* CapFactory has negotiated cheaper parking in the Omni building, so if you park there after 6pm and attend the meetup, please see Ali to get a validation ticket and you'll only be charged $5.
* We have an ongoing meetup sponsorship from the nice folks at O'Reilly, so if there are programming books you'd like to get, let me know and I'll arrange for them to send us some.


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