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June APUG meetup!

From: Peter W.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 11, 2014, 11:34 AM
Hi everyone,

For our June APUG meetup, Bob Grant of Enthought will be talking about DistArray, which builds on IPython's interactivity and NumPy's ease-of-use to bring data-parallel high-performance computing to Python. It provides distributed NumPy-like multi-dimensional arrays, distributed ufuncs, distributed IO capabilities, and integration with external distributed libraries like Trilinos. DistArray builds on top widely-used Python libraries like NumPy, Mpi4Py, IPython.parallel, and h5py.

Ramesh Sampath will also give a lightning talk about exploring datasets from using Pandas.

As always, we love to have two or three lightning talks, so if there is something you'd like to speak about, please get in touch with Andrew Donoho, either via email,, or at the meetup itself.

Our sponsor this month is CloudHashing, the world’s largest Bitcoin mining company.  They sell hosted Bitcoin mining contracts to consumers, investors and resellers. Their office in North Austin (by 183 and Braker) houses a team of six very dedicated people who are Bitcoin advocates and experts in their various fields. CloudHashing is not a startup and is part of PeerNova, an advanced Bitcoin mining hardware manufacturing company based out of Silicon Valley. They are looking to fill a current need of an advanced web developer with an ecommerce background. 

As usual, we are very grateful to Capital Factory for the use of their space.  Remember that they have negotiated cheaper parking in the Omni building, so if you park there after 6pm and attend the meetup, please see Ali to get a validation ticket and you'll only be charged $5.


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