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What we’re about

Welcome ppl who used to lived/study in OZ/NZ/other countries... 
This is a non-profitable/simple social group.

"I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring" by David Bowie 🤞🤞🤞

NO hatreds/princess syndromes, PLS🙃 
Hopefully, we can build something better:)

PLS add our What's App group via QR code,thanks!


About Us 簡 史

AustraliaTaiwaneseCommunity mel/tpe 

A short history of Australia Taiwanese Community MEL/TPEATC慘澹經營的簡短歷史:

14/6/2015 Australia Taiwanese Community MEL was founded in Melbourne by an Aussie lawyer Michael. He travelled & learnt mandarin in Taiwan for 8 months. Our first meetup was Language Exchange of English & mandarin and there’s only 3 participants.創辦人是曾到台灣學習過中文和旅行的澳洲律師麥可,第一個活動是只有三人參與的中/英語言交換.

28/6/2016 the first regular event of Australia Taiwanese Community MEL-Weekly Boardgame Night began at Marche Boardgame Café.我們第一個每周固定活動桌游之夜在墨爾本Marche桌游餐廳開始.

8/2017 Australia Taiwanese Community TPE- was started.台北分支開始.

6/5/2018 the first regular event of Australia Taiwanese Community TPE-Monthly Brunch began.


We aim to achieve the connections between Australia & Taiwan. Also, to help foreigners who live in/travel through both countries, and help locals to practice their mandarin/English. PLS leave messages if you have any questions/enquiry.