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What we’re about

Hi there,

We, Marie & Minnie, are overjoyed to share that as the new organisers, we have revamped the Australian Property Education and Networking Group into the “Australian Property & Finance Education Group”

We are passionate about properties and financial freedom, and we love sharing information to ensure you receive the best advice to make informed decisions, especially in a landscape cluttered with false information and scams.

This change reflects our combined enthusiasm for both property and finance and our commitment to providing you with a more enriching experience.

Get ready for our upcoming “Learn More series” where we will delve into essential insights on property and finance, empowering you to make informed decisions and expand your financial knowledge.

Join us on this thrilling journey towards financial success.

Let's share our property dreams, connect with like-minded souls, and be part of an inspiring community that uplifts each other.

Make sure to give us a follow on Facebook! You can find us at "Your Front Door" and "BFF Finance" for some great insights!

Warmest regards,
Marie & Minnie

Upcoming events (2)

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