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North Side/Alchemy Arts

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 6, 2015, 9:34 PM

Hello Everyone!!

For the time being the amazingly magic people from Alchemy Arts are giving us an "emergency home" at the north side.

Their address is: (In case you don't know) 

Alchemy Arts
1203 W. Bryn Mawr, Chicago, IL
Exit at the Bryn Mawr Red Line Stop.
Walk West about 400tf.

We are actively looking for a place we can call our own however, on the North side. 

What we need: A large ritual space on the North side of Chicago. This could be a yoga studio, dance studio, artist loft, etc. We would love to find a space under 400/month that would be ours. In place of that we could rent a space normally closed during our ritual times (Approximately 3:00-7:00). Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome. If the space were near the Red line and had parking that would be ideal.

If you know of a space please send an e-mail to
MARTY COUCH at [address removed]

See you all on the 18th at Alchemy Arts!!!

Infinite Love.
Laura Gonzalez