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Weekly Prayer Meeting Network

Photo of David D Carter
Hosted By
David D C.
Weekly Prayer Meeting Network


The Body of Christ Prayer Meeting Network

Every Thursday Night, from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Meeting URL:

Meeting ID:822 5366 8331 Passcode:737564
One Tap Mobile: +13017158592,,82253668331#,,,,*737564#
Join By Phone:13017158592 Meeting ID:822 5366 8331 Passcode:737564

Scripture: The effectual fervent prayers of righteous man/woman availeith much. James 5: 13-16

The Body of Christ weekly Prayer Meetings are a very necessary component of a healthy spiritual life. It's the power behind every believer and every ministry. We sing a worship song, teach a brief inspirational word of encouragement, pray, and listen to your testimonies. We also pray for healings and deliverance and schedule individual prayer appointments, as needed. This prayer call is open to everyone in need of prayer.

You’re invited and encouraged to come and pray for the needs of your brothers and sisters, locally and around the world, the ministries of our church community, and the nations every Thursday night, from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Zoom Meeting ID:822 5366 8331 Passcode:737564

God Bless You
David & Marguerite Carter

Please send your email to or for more information.

Photo of AWOGC Bible Study, Healing, Deliverance, Prayer & Worship group
AWOGC Bible Study, Healing, Deliverance, Prayer & Worship
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