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Reminder: Networking Fun Thursday Morning & Some Exciting News

From: Angel Marie I.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 15, 2012, 5:29 PM


Just a reminder our monthly meeting is tomorrow at 9am at the Aloft Hotel. If you have been a regular member or if you have not yet been I really hope your schedule allows you to join us tomorrow.

Christina Wagner has some exciting news to share regarding what's next for her and she is very pleased to announce a new organizer for the group. Christina is looking forward to introducing the person she thinks is going to take this group to a whole new level!

Here's what to expect if you are new to the group:

•Bring your business cards, flyers, promotional products and anything you have to share with the group who you are and what you do. These items can be placed on the bar in the lobby where we network.

•Be prepared to stand up and do your introduction and don't be surprised if feedback and/or questions are posed.

Give some thought to the following as they have been topics of discussion in the past:

What makes you so special? Why should people get to know you? What are you passionate about? Remember we do business with those we know, like and trust.

See you in the morning!

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