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Media Alert Saturday 1:30pm - 3:30pm

From: Angel Marie I.
Sent on: Friday, October 5, 2012, 5:59 PM

Lights, camera, action! Angel Marie and Christina Wagner are shooting a video skit all about the humor in networking and invite you to join in the fun!

Flash, you are at a networking event and there are those newbies doing it wrong. You know the ones, I don’t even have to describe them. It’s all actually quite interesting and I truly believe that it’s from a place of not knowing and Angel says of love.

I bet you there will be networking, great connections, and a lot of fun and laughs! So bring your cards, bring your shining faces, and be part of this amazing endeavor!

Nello's Pizza Tempe

1806 E Southern Ave, Tempe, Arizona

Christina Wagner[masked]

Angel Marie[masked]

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