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What we’re about

Welcome to Babes Who Network! There are a lot of networking groups for women so what makes this one different? Like any other group, we will be focused on getting to know and support one another, sharing knowledge, sharing our pitfalls, and how we learned from them. But what sets us apart is the actionable steps we take, together, to have measurable growth in our businesses and the practices we use to get there.

Typical events include: masterminds, group co-working hours, guest speakers/presentations, and happy hours ( and stay tuned for more!)

Social media, branding/marketing, and networking are our main focuses. We will be exploring how we can grow our networks both on and offline to leverage our time and grow our impact on our communities.

If you are a solopreneur woman who is looking to not only meet like-minded babes but to accelerate your business and your reach then this is the group for you!

**You must be fully vaccinated and boosted to attend our events.**

Have an idea for an event or an idea you would like to explore together? Comment on our page or send Lily an email at and it may just be the theme for our next meeting!