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The Baltimore Atheists Monthly OnlineMeetup

Photo of Joseph Murray
Hosted By
Joseph M.


This will be an online meeting using Zoom

What is an atheist? Anyone who does not have a significant belief in the existence of any gods. This meetup group includes and welcomes atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, secularists, humanists, skeptics, rationalists, or any other assorted label. That includes those who disagree with us -- but expect a lively argument! We are a friendly group and love to meet new attendees.

So come and join us for conversations on various topics: atheism, agnosticism, secularism, skepticism, science, politics, human rights, the environment, the culture and media, entertainment, books, sci-fi, food, and anything else you can think of.

If you are interested in meeting in person we also meet at Busboys and Poets in Baltimore on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

Photo of Baltimore Atheists, Skeptics, and Non-Religious group
Baltimore Atheists, Skeptics, and Non-Religious
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