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Re: Re: [vegan-29] Discussion: PETA Thanksgiving TV Ad

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, November 30, 2009, 10:03 AM
The video link didn't work for me, so I can't form an opinion on it. I have a few points I'd like to discuss on PETA, though. They are not an animal rights organization, they are an animal welfare organization. They work with animal agriculture industry to increase profits by killing more efficiently, exemplified by the Controlled-Atmosphere Killing campaign. KFC has agreed to gas their chickens (rather than slit the throats); this agreement was not reached for the benefit of the chickens. This agreement was reached because it would be an easy "victory" for PETA (Killing animals is a victory? Really, PETA?) and it would increase the bottom line for KFC.

PETA euthanized over 2000 adoptable animals last year alone. Their defense? They are not a shelter.

Any responsible, respectable animal rights organization takes a stance against oppression in all forms. PETA embraces oppression of women and minorities. Take a look at their Lettuce Ladies or their KKK stunt for two appalling examples.


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