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LAST CALL! Call For Speakers Closes Today - CMAP Code Camp Fall 2010 - Saturday, November 6th - Columbia, MD

From: Christopher S.
Sent on: Friday, October 15, 2010, 12:15 PM
The Central Maryland Association of .NET Professionals (CMAP) is currently looking for speakers for our upcoming CMAP Code Camp Fall 2010 on Saturday, November 6th from 8:30am - 5:30pm being held in Columbia, MD.

There will [masked] minute sessions, along with several 45 minute sessions during lunch.

For the Fall 2010 Code Camp, we would like to have dedicated tracks for .NET 101, SharePoint and WinPhone 7.

Other possible session topics are .NET 4.0, VS2010, ALT.NET, Data Access, Business Intelligence, jQuery, Ruby, TDD, SQL Server, and Best Practices. If your talk does not fit into one of these, submit it anyway, we'll find a place for it.

Looking to get into speaking? Speaking at Code Camp is a great way to get started.

If you are interested in presenting please fill out the form located on our sessions page.? If you have any questions or problems with the form, please send an email to [address removed].

Please feel free to submit more than one topic. We would like to limit it to 2 presentations per speaker.

For more information about the CMAP Code Camp can be found on the code camp web site.

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