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Donations for Alexa and JP

From: Joni T.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 6:08 PM
Hi Everyone,

We have secured a storage unit and are ready to collect items for the Paul's. As much of you know they lost their house to fire last week. Their house also housed Basset Rescue of Puget Sound as well as being the family home. The house was a total loss and all they came out with was what they had with them. So please if you have house hold items, furniture ect. please call me and we can make arrangements for getting your items. Since so many of you have offered items we are also planning a huge garage sale with the items we have left over with all monies going to The Paul's and the Bassets. As many of us have found out this last week Alexa has devoted much of her time to help the Bassets and make sure they get happy homes, keeping most of them at her house until those forever homes are found. It has taken many of us working long hours to do the job Alexa did by herself.
I want to thank everyone for all the offers we have received and donations you have given, this is truly an amazing group of people.
Please remember the benefit concert Sat. night in West Seattle to benefit Alexa and JP. It is going to be a great concert of folk/jazz and gospel music. If you didn't get the flier I previously sent out let me know and I will get you the info so you can attend.

Please call me at[masked] or[masked] if you have items for donations of furniture or household items.

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