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Re: [philosophy-197] Talking Stick

From: Russell
Sent on: Sunday, November 20, 2011, 6:18 PM
I am new to the group.  I have been in groups where the person speaking would stand and everyone would listen attentively without commenting.  When the speaker sat down, the moderator would then choose respondents who in turn would stand and give their feedback.  This may seem awkward to some, but the groups I participated in that did this had more focused dialogue and fewer interruptions.

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Reid Schroder <[address removed]> wrote:
I agree with Sergio. I've seen dialogues in need of good moderation far too often in the past. Let's not go down that road.
From: Sergio <[address removed]>
Sender: [address removed]
Date: Sun, 20 Nov[masked]:54:51 -0500
To: <[address removed]>
ReplyTo: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [philosophy-197] Talking Stick

Maybe just a good moderator.

I don't like the idea of the "talking stick" because a person who builds their argument off of a flawed premise, or uses incorrect "facts" will just waste everyone's time.  Or if they aren't clear.

I think we should be allowed/encouraged to quickly interrupt to ask for clarity, for example.

Just my two cents.

On Nov 20,[masked]:51 AM, "Deeanna" <[address removed]> wrote:
I noticed that Sabrina commented that she had a problem at the last meeting expressing her ideas because she was continualy being interrupted. I too, had that same problem to a small extent at the discussion that I attended with the group a while back. I like the idea of passing a "talking stick" or something similar. That way the person can express his/her thoughts (for a reasonable time) and then pass to the next person. Any thoughts?

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