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RE: [philosophy-197] Poll on Standarization of the Meeting Schedule & Who Can Schedule

From: Nicolas L.
Sent on: Monday, April 29, 2013, 9:46 AM

clear and simple.
Thanks for sending out this poll.

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [philosophy-197] Poll on Standarization of the Meeting Schedule & Who Can Schedule
Date: Sat, 27 Apr[masked]:03:47 -0400

1. Should we have a set meeting date, if so what?
a. Meeting scheduling should remain at the discreation of the organizer.
b. Meetings should be consistently scheduled for a specific Thursday evening of each month (1st-4th).
c. Meetings should be consistently scheduled for a specific Wednesday evening of each month (1st-4th).
d. Meetings should be consistently scheduled for a specific Tuesday evening of each month (1st-4th).
e.  Other, please specify.
2. In the past, only the organizer could schedule meetups, should that change?
a. The organizer should be the only scheduler.
b. Co-organizers and Assistant Organizers should be allowed to schedule.
b. Allow any member to schedule, as long as three members agree to attend.

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