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Re: [Conversa-Portuguesa] 399 members and 3 show up? QUE VERGONHA!!

From: Tom W.
Sent on: Monday, April 20, 2015, 1:02 PM
Oi, Ione,
Você será muito bem-vinda ao grupo em San Diego. Por enquanto, sugiro que assista o grupo que temos no Rio. Chama-se "aprenda Inglês-learn Portuguese, no site
As reuniões são toda segunda-feira às 19:30 horas, no quiosque "Estrela de Luz" na praia do Leme. Eu estarei lá em breve.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 20, 2015, at 12:48 PM, Ione <[address removed]> wrote:



Hello Tom!


I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


In August I will go to study English in San Diego and will be amazing to meet the Meetup group and help everyone to improve your portuguese.


I gonna meet you soon. :)



[masked]:56 GMT-03:00 Tom <[address removed]>:
Our group is almost 5 years old. Meetup is raising the price they charge me to sponsor the group. Several dozen new members, but none show up. Is it time to fold up our tent? If we can get 8 people to RSVP positively for this Monday, April 20, I will drive the 40 minutes round trip to be with you. Otherwise, should we change to only ONE meeting per month? This group is for you to improve your Portuguese; if you've lost interest, please let me know. Muito obrigado. Abraços, Tom

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