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From: Veleka G.
Sent on: Sunday, September 15, 2013, 12:15 PM


You are invited to transform your acting from good to great today!  Starting tomorrow, learn new, fun skills taught by Veleka Gray of The Actors Alliance and get the training you need to add new growth and power to your on-camera performance.

As a film actor, your goal is to be flexible and confident in front of the camera, whether on the job or at auditions.  To achieve that, you must practice working on camera in front of a supportive audience on a regular basis, then watch your work to assess how you can make your acting even better.

Our pilot, Making The Grade, will be shown at the Mississippi International Film Festival this October.  And our next production, the feature film Blood Relatives, will be shooting October/November!

All productions are cast from The Actors Alliance alumni exclusively.  Join us and get the opportunity to act in our next film!


• METAIRIE - Monday evenings - 7 p.m. to 10, starting September 16

• BATON ROUGE - Wednesday evenings - 7 p.m. to 10, starting September 18

• COVINGTON - Thursday evenings - 7 p.m. to 10, starting September 19

Tuition for each semester is $275 if a $50 deposit is paid in advance, or $300 at the door.  Emotionally and psychologically mature actors age 14 and up may enroll.

Call[masked] or e-mail [address removed] to find out how to register


"Taking a class from you would be just as important to my son’s education as any one of his courses at LSU. Maybe even more important actually, even if he never acts. I use so many of the skills you've taught me over the years every day in my professional career. Things you just don’t learn in college."
~ Joe Giorlando, New Orleans

"Hey wonderful lady. Just wanted to let you know I booked an episode of Castle and am working for 3 days. Thank you for being a wonderful coach to me!!"
~ Brandon Morales, Los Angeles, CA

"I want to thank you for the opportunity you have given me as I have opened up to a whole new world and I am very excited!  Just after two days, too.  I thought I would be nervous when I was walking into class at first, but it has surprisingly become natural to be around all of you and to do the activities.  I'm craving to learn more and to be involved more."
~ John Parker, Denham Springs, LA

"I can't wait for class tomorrow night. <3"
~ Keota Picou, New Orleans, LA

"What I learned from Veleka has changed the way I handle every situation. I present a confident poised person and fear subsides. She has an amazing insight."
~ Kari Campbell, Newbern, TN

"I enjoyed the class last night immensely, and the information I received will definitely benefit me in my acting career."
~ Chuck Rooney, Ponchatoula, LA

"Thanks to you I am a more confident, headstrong, and determined actress. I am even more confident in everyday life :) Before I joined your class I thought this was such an impossible and silly dream to go for. You've made me feel like I can really do this. So ultimately, you've changed my life, for the better. There's nothing I can do to repay you for that."
~ Sarah Wilkinson, Biloxi, MS

"I just got finished with my first audition ever! I tried hard not to get nervous and I didn't! Just told myself that they want to buy me, and I threw everything I had the casting director. She gave me great feedback too! Thank you Veleka for teaching me to be excited about auditioning and everything else of course!"
~ Sheldon Maurer, Mandeville, LA

"You are the most valuable resource in the region for aspiring film actors. (And you can quote me on that.)"
~ Tony Fennelly, New Orleans, LA

And to see Student Commendations on video, look here...


Television star and Emmy judge Veleka Gray is an award-winning producer, actress, acting coach, and screenwriter.  She has shared the stage or screen with scores of luminaries, including Sigourney Weaver, Ted Danson, Dana Delany, Jobeth Williams, and Dan Yeager ("Leatherface").  Her students book roles in major films and shows, such as "Oblivion" and "Treme."  Her TV pilot is now out of post, and she is currently in pre-production for her sixth project, a SAG feature film.  She was inducted into the Louisiana Hall of Fame in 2004.


Call[masked] or e-mail [address removed]

Students accepted must be teenagers or older.  Once registered, students are expected to attend all classes or make them up in other venues in the same semester.  All deposits and tuition are non-refundable.


Students of The Actors Alliance are given the opportunity to...

★ Train with the top acting coach in Louisiana

★ Get the training to be cast in the latest The Actors Alliance film project

★ Showcase for top industry guests in the sixth and final week of each semester

★ Network with other actors, casting directors, producers, and filmmakers on a private Facebook page, created just for members of The Actors Alliance

★ Get the seasoning needed to manifest personal charisma and star quality

★ Have first crack at all auditions for The Actors Alliance Productions and get referred to filmmakers doing other projects

There's only one sure way to become good and even great at any skill: you have to practice.  Unless you're working all the time, do what professional actors do.  Find a home class to refresh your craft, learn new skills, and practice, practice, practice to be the best you can be.

Being an actor is about making acting a regular part of your life.  Join the actors in The Actors Alliance and network with the finest talent in the South.  You'll learn how to fulfill your dreams and make great friends who share your dreams.

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence is therefore not an act but a habit." -- Aristotle

"I will prepare, and someday my chance will come." -- Abraham Lincoln

"Great acting is a science...
Learn how at The Actors Alliance"