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Please Post Short Paragraphs What Personal Impacts Has Louisiana Film Industry Had on You.

From: Susie L.
Sent on: Friday, May 1, 2009, 4:04 PM
TO: All Those Who Has Worked in Louisiana Film Industry since 2002 til this Date, Friends and Families.

Susie Labry, Actress
Steve Sabludowsky of Bayou Buzz

Please post a short Paragraph what personal and financial impacts it has had on you, your families, and communities. Keep your Paragraph personal, positive and Short and Sweet.

What personal impact has Louisiana Film Industry had on you, your family, and community.

1. Please send to Steve Sabludowsky of Bayou Buzz (5000 Readership) by sending to [address removed]
2. Please send to your State Representative
3. Please send to your State Senator
4. Governor
5. Post as Reply by Going to Meetup and click Message Board and Reply to this Post
6. Reply to Message Board on Facebook's Preserve Louisiana's Film[masked]&topic=7951

The Leaders in our Film community are also asking me to especially call for all small towns, rural people, everybody, as well as our cities. Each Legislator needs to know from their Constituents how it effects their home and his/her Legislative District.

We need to deliver these to the Legislators and Governor and our Leaders in the Industry. They will be tallied and we need the numbers.

[address removed]


Steve Sabludowski
[address removed]