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How to Work with a Reader

From: Veleka G.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 4:03 AM

Have you ever had to perform with a "cold" or inexperienced partner at an audition or on the job? Has this been trying, intimidating, stimulating, or exciting to you?

In the next semester, starting the week of May 25th, students of The Actors Alliance will perform scenes in class to learn strategies on how to work with a reader. This is a crucial and demanding skill since actors at an audition have to perform as brilliantly as they can, even if the person they are reading with gives them nothing.

Pros like Veleka Gray know there are tricks and techniques to make yourself look great, no matter how bad your partner is. To do your best you must learn them. Then you can succeed and look fabulous no matter what.


"You know it amazes me in such a short period of time the amount of direction and skill you are instilling in us. Thursday night was very educational regarding the acting industry."
--Shan deGruy, Denham Springs

"Your class was truly a great experience. I really appreciate you."
--Russ Clubb, Metairie

"I learned so much in the time that we had in your class, and I wanted to thank you for letting me be a part of this. It has given me many opportunities to do other things and grow as an actress. I will always appreciate the things you have done for us."
--Alyssa Wininger, Destrehan

"Veleka, you are truly the roadmap to success in this business. Looking forward to another six weeks of exciting, fun-filled, learning experience with you and the talented actors you draw."
--Susan Arthur, Covington

"Your name has come up so many times recently, mostly from your actors. You've got a superlative reputation as a teacher."
--Leon Contavesprie, Kenner

"You are a fantastic person and a terrific teacher. I have learned so much from you."
--Chuck Rooney, Ponchatoula


Monday, May 25, from 6:30 to 9:30 in Metairie
Tuesday, May 26, from 6:30 to 9:30 in Covington
Thursday, May 28, from 7 to 10 in Baton Rouge

Classes for adults only. For information on location, tuition, and other details, contact Veleka at [address removed] or (504)[masked].

Entertainment professionals such as news reporters, producers, directors, agents, and casting directors are welcome to stop by classes at any time.


Acting coach Veleka Gray, an accomplished stage and screen actress, starred in nine different roles in six soap operas, including "The Young & The Restless" and "As the World Turns." She is a vested member of both Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Radio and Television Artists and served fifteen years as a judge for the National Emmy Awards. She is a member of the Academy and was inducted into the Louisiana Hall of Fame in 2004. Since coming home to Louisiana, she has founded The Actors Alliance, a training center for local talent, to share her expertise and act as teacher, coach, and mentor to Louisiana's rising stars.