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Meetup's new "Chip in" feature

From: Lucy
Sent on: Sunday, November 30, 2014, 7:22 PM

Dear BABGMG members,

The Meetup Organization has created a new feature on the left side of our meetup page which has a green "Chip in" button.  You are not required to chip in.

Eric the founder/my Co-Organizer of our meetup group and I pay the yearly meetup maintenance fee of $144 and we don't mind doing it.

One of our members tried to make a contribution and he said something needed to be done by the acceptor of the contribution in order for the contribution to be accepted. I am not the recipient. Eric's PayPal account is attached to our meetup group's account, not mine.

While I appreciate your kindness and generosity, contributions are not necessary.

All I ask of you guys is to show up to meetups on time and to give us ample cancellation notices, LOL.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks.

Oh, also . . . if any of you are interested in scheduling meetups, let me know, and I'll change your status to Event Organizer.



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