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Reminder: "Italian Speaking Social Dinner" da "AMALFI" (Larkspur)- DOMENICA 2 AGOSTO!

From: Paolo F.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 8:36 PM
  • Come join us for this "Italian Speaking Social Dinner" da "AMALFI" (Larkspur)!

    Meet and network with local Italian expats and culture lovers at our monthly social meetup.

    On SUNDAY AUGUST,[masked]! we will meet at Ristorante "AMALFI" (Larkspur)!


    Ristorante AMALFI 
    455 Magnolia Ave  Larkspur, CA 94939  

    6:30 pm - Meet  to mingle and get to know each other.  
    7:00 pm - We will move to the dining room area for dinner.  

    Pricing: 39$ ( Fixed price Dinner @ $39(Appetizers, Main Course, Dessert Tip & Taxes included - Wine is not included!! - Per favore portate soldi in contanti! - Please bring cash!)).

    Please note: We speak in Italian. Please refrain from speaking in English for this event. Thank you!  
    Attenzione: Parleremo italiano all'evento! Si prega di non parlare in Inglese durante la serata. Grazie!

    Vieni ad unirti con noi per il nostro "Italian Speaking Social Mixer" da "AMALFI"! 
    Ai nostri incontri conoscerai Italiani e persone che amano la nostra cultura.

    Grazie! A presto!