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What we’re about

Who We Are:
We are a vital and active community of single parents. Our group provides a low pressure way to connect with other single parents on hikes, kids activities, dinners out, events with other single families and more.
Parenting solo is not easy. The mission of this group is to get single parents and children out interacting with each other for fun, support and friendship, and to enhance lives in the process.
Note: this is not a “singles” dating group. While we do not discourage dating in the group, our focus is on activities and events that foster friendships and support for the parents and kids in our group.
Also, we do not allow former partners of existing members to join the group. See the "About BASP" document below for more information.
See the following pages for more information

Profiles without a full face photo, good introduction or interests and groups blocked will likely not be approved!
Welcome to The Bay Area Single Parents Meetup Group!

Group links