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From: Lore
Sent on: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 3:57 PM
Hi everyone! I didn`t get to fill out the RATE YOUR MEETUP thingy in time so I thought I would update you all this way. We had 30 members (6 new ones!) at our Sept MEETUP at a new park in Cloverdale. We had pretty good feedback for this park, everyone seemed to really like it...although the fence seems to need some work, the gaps at the bottom of the fence are a little too big in some areas. I`m really sorry i didn`t notice them when I ran through the park the first time I went to check it out. But all in all, it was a hit! Maybe someone that lives near this park and frequents it could post the link to the website that is advertised there for the City of Surrey that maintains the park and we could all send them a letter regarding getting the gaps fixed...
Donations were great at $28.65, being a hot day the pops for $1 really helped. I have been contacted by NUTRO Dog food regarding having a REP at an upcoming MEETUP, and in return they will pay out MEETUP fees for 2 monthes (I think it was 2, maybe 1?)...regardless, I accepted and they have already paid $30 towards our group! So that really helps, and we will have a REP at our OCT MEETUP if not, our Nov MEETUP. Should be interesting....bring all your questions :-) You will also notice that they are on our HOME PAGE now, so if you were wondering about that, they paid for it....
That fresh smell in the brisk air can only mean one thing...FALL IS HERE!!! And that means that our OCT MEETUP will be our annual HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST!! So bring your beagle all dressed up in there scariest (or cutest) costume. PLEASE make sure you sign your beagle up for the contest at the table when you sign your beagle in. For everyone, in the contest or not, pick up a ballot (piece of paper) when you sign in so you can vote. At 2:45, we will ask for all your ballots, and a winner will be announced at 3pm.
Again this month we will be checking out a new park in Burnaby this time, hope to see as many of you as possible! Lore