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What we’re about

Are you Over 50 and over and:
1. New to Fitness
2. Your Doctor says you need to begin exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help you control your weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, and strengthen your bones and muscles.
3. Your in a Funk. Feeling down or having the blues. Studies show people who exercise at least two to three times a week experience significantly less depression, anger and stress than those who exercise less frequently or not at all.

Angie is a Registered Nurse with over 30 years of experience who has now devoted her time to advocating for health and fitness. Our Online group will be hosting fun fitness classes for those 50 and who is finally ready to put their health first.

This is a no judgement friendly environment for achieving a transformation of your mind and body thru simple low impact movements that will get you motivated, help with combating those chronic medical conditions, make new friends and keep you coming back for more!
Come join us as we move on Purpose!