What we’re about
The CREATIVE COLLECTIVE is for creative entrepreneurs ages 18 years and beyond who desire to sell their art and handmade crafts online or in local marketplaces such as farmer's markets, and brick-and-mortar stores.
THE GOAL of this group is to encourage, advise, and spur each other on to share our creativity with the world.
WHAT will we do at our events?
- We will each take turns showing and explaining our current work in progress and share our ideas with the group (being mindful not to monopolize our time together).
- We will allow others to gently critique our work, and offer suggestions for improvement and growth. (Think INKLINGS who met weekly from the late 1930s-1940s to share and critique each other's works in progress - members included C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.)
- We will recommend products, tools, techniques, and services to one another.
- We will discuss ways to get our creative products in front of a wider audience.
- We will share experiences, tips, and tricks about marketing strategies and using various social media platforms.
Until otherwise noted, we will meet the 2nd Friday of each month at 403 Otey Street, Bedford, Virginia 24523 on the 3rd floor from 6-8 pm. Use the front entrance and park behind the building or use street parking.