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The Charlotte Beer Club Presents Charlotte SantaCon 2011

From: Darrin P.
Sent on: Saturday, November 5, 2011, 12:43 PM
Santacon Single print.png
post his poster on your facebook page!

Check out our Facebook Page...Like Us & pass it on to ALL of your FUN FACEBOOK FRIENDS. We wants this to be HUGE!!

SantaCon is a day of fun that is being celebrated in cities all across the WORLD. So I decided Charlotte needed one. I mean, who doesn't love Santa!!?

The Creator of Charlotte Craft Beer Week & The Charlotte Beer Club, is Bringing SantaCon to Charlotte NC!

2011 Will Be Our Inaugural Year.

Dec. 11th 2011! A Day Filled With Joy, Laughs, Friends, Tricks, Gifts, Singing & Lots of BEER! A one time cover of $5.00 will get you in to ANY/ALL the breweries throughout the day. If you visit 1 brewery it's $5 cover. If you visit all 4 it's still only a one time cover of $5.

Please bring CASH! Credit cards and tabs will be VERY DIFFICULT for the establishments to figure out which SANTA just bought a beer!! CASH ONLY PLEASE.

12 Noon: Four Friends Brewery

3PM: The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery

6PM: (The New...) NoDa Brewing Company & (The New...) Birdsong Brewing Company (next door to NoDa Brewing Co.)

Party Bus will be available to start you at 4 Friends and will return you back there at 9:30pm...Look for sign up sheet for party bus soon. $20 cash only for party bus. Reservation are rquired for the bus! You will be able to pay and reserve your seat before November 15th...look for deatils on party bus soon!! 

*NOT FOR KIDS! Sorry Mom and Dad, Leave the KIDS at HOME. This is a day of adult humor, songs and alcohol. Children will not be permitted.*

What is SantaCon? The first SantaCon took place in San Francisco in 1994 and was sponsored by The San Francisco Cacophony Society. The original inspiration came from an earlier SF adventure club called The Suicide Club who's founder came up with the idea after reading an article about a Danish political who mobbed a Copenhagen Department store just before Christmas. However, the first American and all subsequent SantaCons around the world are non-political, purely surreal Santa prank events.

Download your songbooks here! See rules here!


Darrin Pikarsky
sent from the future

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