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THIS THURSDAY: Realtor Beer Tasting w/Four Friends Brewing Co. @ Eastwood Homes

From: Darrin P.
Sent on: Monday, November 28, 2011, 2:23 PM
Good Afternoon Beer Club Mem-BEERS!
Darrin here from the Charlotte Beer Club. I'm hosting a beer tasting with Four Friends Brewing Co. this Thursday at 5:30pm. The event is for Real Estate agents/Realtors & their clients only. If you are in the real estate agent industry feel free to RSVP per the flyer attached. If you are NOT an agent but know someone who is...Please do me a quick favor and forward this on to your friend or family member  that is a real estate agent!
The flyer says you have to RSVP TODAY, but as long as you call or email Lisa By WEDNESDAY, you'll be good!
beer tasting.jpg

Darrin Pikarsky

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