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Hall Of Foam Inductees!

From: Darrin P.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 10:37 PM

The Charlotte Beer Club is proud to announce 2 of it's long standing Mem-Beers into our initial class of our NEW Hall Of Foam!

What is the Hall Of Foam? The Hall Of Foam is a new place to recognize the elite members of The Charlotte Beer Club. People that have been with us through the years and have shown support for craft beer. These beer lovers have attended hundreds of events including beer club, beer week and festivals supported by The Charlotte Beer Club.

To be in the Hall Of Foam is going to be a special time for it's Hall Of Foamers! These members will be given rewards, when available, such as tickets to events, festivals and beer dinners.

Please welcome Scott Hamons and Chris Yeager to our 1st Class of The Charlotte Beer Club's Hall of Foam! Scott and Chris come out to events regularly and haven't skipped a beat. They are great, professional people who enjoy great beers. They support what we do and don't question why we do it. They understand it and enjoy it regularly.

Scott and Chris will be joining me at The Natty Greene's beer dinner next Wednesday at Ri-Ra's uptown, compliments of The Charlotte Beer Club & Natty Greene's

I could go on and on about these two fine gentleman that I'm happy to call friends.

As our Hall Of Foam grows, the members will get together for special gatherings and will have a say in who our next Hall Of Foamers will be. Members will be inducted at random times through out the year. This will turn into an annual induction once we have built our foundation in the hall.

Any breweries, distributors or craft beer establishments that would like to take part in rewarding the outstanding craft beer fans in the new "Hall Of Foam", can contact me through The Charlotte Beer Club.

If you see these gentlemen out, buy them a beer. They certainly deserve it!


Darrin Pikarsky
The Charlotte Beer Club

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