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RE: [friends-1046] New Assistant Organizer!

From: Gary C.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 9:30 PM

Excellent! I am an avid hiker as well. Having Aaron along would be inspiring!


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Robert Curzon
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 9:21 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [friends-1046] New Assistant Organizer!


Hi All,

Aaron Tani has really been a member of the group longer than the statistics appear.  He left the group for a time for various reasons, and one of those reasons was to take over leadership of The Bend Hiking Group.  A number of us in this group have been talking about doing more group shoots, especially combined with hikes. 

Aaron approached me yesterday, and as he's a great leader, an avid hiker, is familiar with how Meetup works and takes wonderful photos, we decided it was most beneficial to run these sort of photographic outings from the photo group, rather than the hiking group.  We're going to give this a try.

Being an assistant involves a "bit" of work, responsibility and leadership skills.  It should remain fun and enjoyable.  To me, this is critical.  One of the joys I get out of this volunteer gig is the simple thanks I get from people.  With all that said, thanks, Aaron. 

Watch for some new adventures in the coming weeks.


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To learn more about Robert Curzon, visit his/her member profile

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