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Two New Assistant Organizers

From: Robert C.
Sent on: Sunday, June 16, 2013, 8:03 PM


It's been an interesting and productive week in the Bend Photographers Group. We have two new Assistant Organizers and a very big-hearted volunteer who promise to bring renewed energy and enthusiasm to the team. I’ve been asked to stay in my current role as Organizer, and I'm willing to do so with the commitments of time and effort these kind folks have promised. Here are their roles:

New Assistant Organizer Mick Briscoe will be announcing some new creative and appealing events based on his experience teaching photography at Western Oregon University. Please stay tuned for some of his exciting ideas!

New Assistant Organizer David Garcia’s role will become more clear in time, but one of the tasks we’re hoping he may be willing to take on is leading some of the Meetups.

Sherryn has generously offered to search for new locations for our indoor Meetups. In the past, I’ve had the responsibility of being the sole key holder at all indoor meetings. Having new locations will be a welcome change.

Tom Ryan will continue as my right hand man, as he has from the first week I took over.

Gary Calicott will also continue to help, and has generously offered to take on the time-consuming task of receiving all the photos for critiques and collating them for us.

Aaron Tani, if he continues his current level of activity (and we sincerely hope he will!), will keep posting interesting Meetups and critiques at the library and other places, as well as out in the field, shooting photographs together.

Jill continues to support the group and me on so many levels - food prep and supplies, setup and cleanup at meetings, and on and on and on.

We’re all very excited about these changes, and look forward to seeing how this new team effort will help the group blossom and evolve over the next months. Thank you for your own involvement in the Bend Photographers Group, and please keep sharing your ideas and your photography!


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