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What we’re about

For people who keep on wondering, thinking and exploring about the purpose and meaning of life in an Existentialist sense, it is quite normal to feel alienated from the mainstream world.
The world which tells us to 'just keep moving' or 'just don't be depressed' or to just 'stop being miserable'.
For people like us, traditional counselling or therapy can feel pretty useless, and we face problem socializing as well, as any thought which we might put forward in a conversation has a tendency to drive people away, citing us as abnormal or crazy.

There is a need of Existentialist Counselling, Consulting and, just hanging out, for folks like us, to keep our mental health in check!

Bengaluru Existentialist Well-being Checkin is an attempt to connect like minded individuals who want to discuss life and the world on an Existentialist stance.

We will be having both Online as well as Offline meetups in Bengaluru.

You can connect with me on:
WhatsApp: 7741841771
Telegram: @unixboy55