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What we’re about

Have you always want to be in a musical but don't know where to start? Start here.

We meet to have a no-pressure sing-through of musical theatre shows. We sing the whole show. You may want to take a solo role or you can take part in the chorus. We might even form a band to collaborate together. 

How does it work: We pick in advance one musical and you get plenty of notice and all the details you need. Come the day, we sing the whole musical in 1 day. We will rehearse whatever is possible on that day but there is no audience, so no pressure! Don't worry about memorising the music, we will sing with the sheet music. (but if you want to momorise the music, you can!).

Sign up: Once the musical is announced, you can sign-up to sing solos or chorus. Then, you will get the details of what songs we will sing in that musical.

You don't need a lot of experience. You might know the shows well from singing along with the recordings or you might be a professional musician. Either way, you will have plenty of time to learn the show before the day. The point is to get the chance to sing through some great shows and have fun while we are at it.