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What we’re about

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Welcome to Berlin's Fine, Elegant and Conscious Men Group on! This group aims to bring together like-minded individuals who appreciate the art of dressing well, self-empowerment, and taking action. We strive to create a community where men can engage in meaningful discussions on topics such as personal style, spirituality, and social interests. Join us to connect with others, explore our higher selves, and embrace a reality filled with growth and camaraderie.

Me Generated
This group is to meet like-minded people and friends, who want to exchange life, knowledge, experiences, and growth together, men who enjoy dressing well, have fine taste, and search for continued mind and spiritual development, something that I call the Self-actualized Gentleman.

What does it mean to be self-actualized?
Self-actualization, in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is the highest level of psychological development, where personal potential is fully realized after basic bodily and ego needs have been fulfilled.

Self-actualization was coined by the organismic theorist Kurt Goldstein for the motive to realize one's full potential: "The tendency to actualize itself as fully as possible is the basic drive ... the drive of self-actualization.

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