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Holiday Message

From: Chess M.
Sent on: Friday, December 19, 2014, 8:32 AM

Good Morning Everyone,

I am Roy C. Graphenreed II aka Chess Mention. Current CEO and Founder of BTF Group, INC. The corporate entity was base on my acquisition of the Blacks in Television & Film meet up group a few months ago. I have since expanded the group to Atlanta, GA and Hollywood, CA. Even though they meet up will remain Black in Television and Film; for Corporation reason, we will be referred to as BTF Group INC.

Currently, we have people in New York and Atlanta working to expand the organization. We need more people on the ground in California to further our intentions for growth. We are looking to raise $360,000 for film projects over the next 12 months. That will be $120,000 per each location. The numbers will break down to 100 members pleading $1200 or $100 a month for 12 months. Each registrant will also be required to pay $50 administration fee that will come $5000 for attorneys and accounting oversight.

Upon reaching the proposed number of interested individuals and their pledge amounts for the BTF Funding Campaign. We can begin the process of examining projects. To submit your projects for consideration, you must be an investing participant for the campaign. Understand that everything we do is for profit. Everything we do is about helping the each participant achieve their dreams.

However, this cannot be accomplished with well wishes. Please understand that it is not a requirement by no means and the funding opportunities are another level in the process of BTF implementing a sound vision and growth.

The meet up group is still free, you can network with individuals and feel free to schedule events.

BTF Group INC thanks you for a 2014.

We wish you Happy Holidays, and we will see you in the New Year.

Please be Safe


