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i think this is fun & practical idea. rocky mountain river cities near boulder , broomfield & denver to golden have a lot of bicycle paths , though for me it is not fun to bicycle alone. i know it is expensive to pay for public street and highway vehicles , & bicycling is also fun & not in a similar to gravity slope snowboarding simulator inside mostly. we could be with fun & shoppe & shop as well?

i could only afford these groups for 5 months? i also think experigal sport is fun after bicycling only & shopping as well practical. an art gallery & garden at a skatepark or on a gardening golf course is fun & practical. lacrosse skate bowl basketball is a sport where teams could dunk (olly of the bowl? 14 points !) to a plastic hoop weighting itself with sandbags & with the backboard cut out for a similar lacrosse goal from distances , 1 point.

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