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RE: [Birmingham-Entrepreneurs] Estate agents

From: Jake H.
Sent on: Monday, October 13, 2014, 11:32 AM
Can I second that, there have been far too many irrelevant emails recently. 

Best regards,

Jason Horne
+44 [masked]

-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Gary Hexley
Sent: 13 October[masked]:40
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [Birmingham-Entrepre­neurs] Estate agents

I can't believe I am getting inundated with marketing emails. 
Can you please remove me from the mailing list. 

Gary Hexley 

E:      [address removed] 
M:     [masked] 
Government Grant and Tax Consultants 

21 Verulam Road
St Albans

Government Grant and Tax Consultants Ltd is a company registered in England & Wales with company number[masked] and registered office at Experience House, 5 Port Hill, Hertford, Herts, SG14 1PJ. The trademarks Experience, GGTC and Radar are registered and protected.  Any opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual author and not necessarily those of Government Grant and Tax Consultants Ltd. The information in this email and any attachment is confidential and is intended for the named recipient(s) only. Any use of the contents is strictly prohibited, nor may it be disclosed or copied by any means whatsoever. If you are not a named recipient be advised that you have received this email in error and that any copies of this message should be deleted.  Our terms and conditions can be viewed on our website.

-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Ed Taaffe
Sent: 11 October[masked]:55
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [Birmingham-Entrepre­neurs] Estate agents

If so many people send these and so many reply, that suggests there is a need of some sort.
By the same token, if we get the timewasters and dreamers sending them by the thousand they will not be read anyhow.
Perhaps a weekly list of offers/requests could be edited and sent to an opted-in list


-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Matt Allen
Sent: 10 October[masked]:38
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [Birmingham-Entrepre­neurs] Estate agents

We joined a "meet up". 
If a member wants to send emails to members, go to the meet up ask for business cards or other consent to contact members, and do so.
Don't bypass that step and email everyone.
If everyone emailed everyone about everything they deem important, we would drown in group emails.
So this nonsense cannot continue, and if it does, I will leave the meet up, which is a pity because I like to help genuine entrepreneurs, that is people who have ideas.
Group leader, it's time to not only set out acceptable parameters because this trend cannot continue, but also expel those that don't adhere.
Best wishes

Matthew Allen 
Allen IP Limited

On Fri, 10/10/14, Daniel <[address removed]> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Birmingham-Entrepre­neurs] Estate agents
 To: [address removed]
 Date: Friday, 10 October, 2014, 13:07
 Hi I am interested
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:12
 PM, Simon Hague <[address removed]>
 anybody in this group is an estate agent or wants to set one
 up please contact Adrian on [address removed]
 Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will
 be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
 This message was sent by Simon Hague ([address removed])
 from Birmingham Entrepreneurs Meetup Group.
 To learn more about Simon Hague, visit his/her member
 profile: https://www.meetup...­
 Set my mailing list to email me
 As they are sent
 In one daily email
 Don't send me mailing list messages
 Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]
 Please Note: If you hit "REPLY",
 your message will be sent to everyone on
 this mailing list ([address removed])
 This message was sent by Daniel ([address removed]) from
 Entrepreneurs Meetup Group.
 To learn more about Daniel, visit his/her member
 To report this message or block the sender, please click
 Set my mailing list to email me As
 they are sent | In
 one daily email | Don't
 send me mailing list messages  
 POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
This message was sent by Matt Allen ([address removed]) from Birmingham Entrepreneurs Meetup Group.
To learn more about Matt Allen, visit his/her member profile: https://www.meetup...­
Set my mailing list to email me

As they are sent

In one daily email

Don't send me mailing list messages
Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
This message was sent by Ed Taaffe ([address removed]) from Birmingham Entrepreneurs Meetup Group.
To learn more about Ed Taaffe, visit his/her member profile: https://www.meetup...­
Set my mailing list to email me

As they are sent

In one daily email

Don't send me mailing list messages
Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
This message was sent by Gary Hexley ([address removed]) from Birmingham Entrepreneurs Meetup Group.
To learn more about Gary Hexley, visit his/her member profile: https://www.meetup...­
Set my mailing list to email me

As they are sent

In one daily email

Don't send me mailing list messages
Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]