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Bitcoin Wednesday #26 happens in two weeks! Please register now.

From: PikaPay
Sent on: Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 6:09 PM
Amsterdam's Monthly Conference on
The Digital Currency Revolution
Our next event is on Wednesday, August 5th.
          Click here to find out more and register.
These events are free, but space is limited and
registration is required.

The next edition of Bitcoin Wednesday will feature a keynote by Hans de Zwart, the director of The Netherlands' foundation for digital rights, Bits of Freedom.

Hans will explore the relationship between the digital currency revolution and current Dutch civil rights issues.

Then the CEO of Eris Industries Casey Kuhlman will show us how blockchain apps are structured and talk about enterprise applications.


Click here to register


We invite everyone interested to sign up for the event here.

Alternatively for any queries about the event please email us at [address removed]

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Click here to register.


"Security, Identity and Trust"


On the same evening, 5 August 2015, Bitcoin Wednesday will also host a PGP/GPG key signing organized by Bits of Freedom.

Here you can learn more — and ask your questions — about public key encryption, a cornerstone technology that provides the basis for security, identity and trust in Bitcoin and many other cryptographic systems.


Watch the demonstration and see first hand how we can strengthen the network of trusted keys, and hence the level of trust at its
most basic level within the Dutch digital currency sector.

If you have a PGP key and would like to participate in the key signing, please fill in this special form.


For general information and press inquiries please contact:

Richard Kohl
Bitcoin Wednesday


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