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you're invited: nieuwjaarsborrel

From: PikaPay
Sent on: Monday, January 2, 2017, 2:21 AM

NEW! 4th Annual New Year's Reception

Bitcoin Wednesday
Monthly Conference on Digital Currency

Limited tickets available:

Next Wednesday: 4 January - 2017 Nieuwjaarsborrel. - RSVP­ as soon as possible.

Find out how to get tickets here.


NEW! Simon Dixon, CEO of Bnk to the Future

Simon gave the keynote at last year's Nieuwjaarsborrel and will be back again this year.  He has spoken at the House of Lords, House of Commons, Bank of England, BNP Paribas, Bloomberg, Oxford, Cambridge and the London School of Economics.

This time he'll talk about Bitcoin from 2008 until today, including what's driving its growth and how it recovered from the Bitfinex hack.  You can read more about Simon right here.


2016's Best-Performing Currencies

Monero surged in value in the last half of 2016, and is now the world's most successful anonymous cryptocurrency with a market cap of $187 million.  On 1 June its market was worth only $11 million.  At the end of 2016, $11 million of Monero is traded in a single day.

South African Riccardo Spagni, Monero's lead maintainer and one of its 7 core developers, will return on 4 January 2017 to talk about the importance of transactional privacy.  Today Bitcoin Wednesday published this interview with Riccardo.

An Old-School Bitcoin Wednesday

To celebrate Bitcoin's recent $16 billion market cap, we're giving away free tickets to anyone who asks for them (of course only while supplies last.)  Just RSVP here as soon as you can.

Otherwise, please follow the instructions to get tickets.  Your support goes 100% back into helping us produce more events like these.

How To Get Tickets

Just send a blank mail to tickets AT bitcoinwednesday DOT com and follow the instructions we send you.

P.S. Limited spaces available for Wednesday's conference on 4 January 2017. RSVP now if you want to attend.

For more information, please mail:

Richard Kohl, Bitcoin Wednesday

Bitcoin Wednesday | The Dutch Bitcoin User's Group of The Netherlands | Singel 250, Postbus 11103, 1001 GC Amsterdam | stichting Bitcoin Nederland

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