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Saturday 4:00 pm ⚽️ big goals limited capacity soccer edm music

Photo of David Moreira
Hosted By
David M. and Ulices M.
Saturday 4:00 pm ⚽️ big goals limited capacity soccer edm music


Read bio !Eleven years of Soccer! Games start on time, please be there 10-15m before.

No sliding tackles, no metal CLEATS, no offside, large goals 7v7 games.

Games are set up for 2 6v6 or rotation 8v8 games (24 attendees) If games are full, they are full.

Be on time and remember the waiting list is not at all a guarantee to play!

People on rsvp list we can surely accommodate but that’s pretty much it.


You have until 10pm the night before the game to change your RSVP to No. Anyone updated their RSVP past 10 gets a two week ban.

Team Breakouts:

These go out the night before the game at 10pm.

No Shows Get Banned:

2 week match ban no questions asked. I don't care about how many excuses you have. This group has over 12,000 members and like Steven A. Smith says: I'm here to tell you right now, we don't care.

Bring a positive attitude will check you on the field

price may vary depending on the field and number of players.

late shows pay extra 1$ on top rsvp fee

Photo of Brooklyn Pickup Soccer group
Brooklyn Pickup Soccer
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Every week on Saturday

Newton Barge Playground
Commercial Street · Greenpoint, NY