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We're Reading Eartha & Kitt: A Daughter's Love Story in Black and White

Photo of Charlotte Van Horn
Hosted By
Charlotte Van H. and Erica M.
We're Reading Eartha & Kitt: A Daughter's Love Story in Black and White


About the Book

# Eartha & Kitt: A Daughter's Love Story in Black and White

In this unique combination of memoir and cultural history, we come to know one of the greatest stars the world has ever seen—Eartha Kitt—as revealed by the person who knew her best: her daughter.
Eartha, who was a mix of Black, Cherokee, and white, is viewed by the world as Black. Kitt, her biological daughter, is blonde and light skinned. This is the story of a young girl being raised by her mother, who happened to be one of the most famous celebrities in the world. For three decades, they traveled the world together as mother and daughter. Even after Kitt got married and started a family of her own, she and Eartha were never far from each other’s sides
Eartha had a very difficult childhood growing up in extreme poverty in South Carolina. She described herself as being “just a poor cotton picker from the South.” She did not have her own familial ties to lean on after being abandoned by her own mother as a toddler and having never known who her father was. She and Kitt were each other’s whole world.
Eartha’s legacy is still felt today. Not only do we still listen to “Santa Baby” every Christmas, but many of today’s most influential artists con­sistently mention Eartha, paying tribute to her groundbreaking stances on social issues such as racial equality and women’s and LGBTQ rights. And she is still widely remembered for her defin­itive portrayal of Catwoman in the classic Batman television series, voicing the character Yzma in Disney’s The Emperor’s New Groove, and her many other movie and Broadway roles.
In these pages, Kitt brings her mother to life so vividly, you will feel as if you'd met her. You’ll embrace her love of nature, exercise, simple food, and independence, along with her lessons on the importance of treating people kindly and always being true to yourself.
Filled with love, life lessons, and poignant laughter, Eartha & Kitt captures the passion and energy of two remarkable women.


Black Girls Think & Grow Rich
Book Club Basic Ground Rules

  1. Members who haven’t read the book – Come anyway. Not everyone can finish every book, but non-readers may still have valuable insights.
  2. Disagreements about the book – Be gracious! There is no one way to experience or interpret a book. In fact, differing opinions are good.
  3. Maintain Focus – Discussion time will be limited to discussion about the book. There is time to socialize before and after the book club meeting.
  4. Confidentiality – What is said at the book club meeting stays at the book club meeting. Members may choose to share personal insights and we want to respect their willingness to be open, candid or vulnerable.
  5. Quiet Environment – Cell phones and other electronic devices should be placed on silent or vibrate so not to disturb the discussion.
  6. Support our venue – The venue is providing a free meeting place for the book club, so please support them by purchasing food and/or drink. No outside food or drink should be brought into the venue.
  7. Keep it moving – Please be concise with your insights and comments so we have time to hear from as many members as possible.
  8. Time – Please be on time or early if possible. That gives everyone time to get settled and socialize before the meeting, so we can begin and end on time.
Photo of Black Girls Think & Grow Rich Book Club group
Black Girls Think & Grow Rich Book Club
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