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ABEST Meeting: Personalized Learning- Next Monday, Oct 17, 2016, 6pm

From: Malcus R.
Sent on: Monday, October 10, 2016, 4:39 PM

ABEST Members and Friends,

As you know, providing an engineering education for our African American and female youth has always been a challenge. There is, and continues to be ongoing experimentation and innovation in this area. Northview High school, in North Fulton county, GA is on the verge of rolling out an innovative instructional method--one that has been talked about and explored in educational circles for years, and has been gaining traction. Northview High School will implement what is known as personalized learning , which will consist of handheld personal devices, which might be viewed as self-contained classrooms, and personalized curricula, containing tools that enable and accelerate students learning. Moreover the toolset is typically able to track the individual students' learning progression and implement adaptive learning techniques. The full details of the Northview High and Fulton County programs have not yet been made public. However, ABEST members are being afforded an opportunity to get a sneak peek and provide input.

Please join us and make Ms. Bell feel welcome. Of course, after the meeting, for those interested, we will convene at Seasons 52 (back of Perimeter Mall), for refreshments, and mingling.


Ms. Yalanda Bell is Executive Director of Career and Technical Education within Fulton County Schools, and will provide an overview of the program at the upcoming ABEST meeting.

Ms. Bell will give an overview of Career and Technical Education in Fulton County and talk specifically about the engineering programs. She will discuss their labs, equipment, and student outcomes. She will also share what schools have engineering programs and the district plans to expand engineering programs in the next 5 years. Finally, she will ask our membership to provide some insight and expertise on making sure what the district is teaching is aligned to industry standards.

Ms. Yalanda Bell

Executive Director of Career and Technical Education Career and Technical Education ï Fulton County School System


I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Monday, October 17,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Dunwoody Library
5339 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd
Atlanta, GA

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

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